Pat P. - San Marcos, CA Check out Pat's tank! Fish Kept: Cichlids, primarily African Peacocks Tank: 55-gallon We hope you enjoy Aquarium Fish Depot's...
Carlin - San Diego, CA Check out Carlin's family's tanks! Fish Kept: African Cichlids Tank: We have a 125-gallon tank, with a mixture of various African cichlids. "I grew up around various tanks filled with cichlids. For...
Gabriel R. - San Diego, CA Check out Gabriel R.'s tank! "My tank is a little 10 gallon tank with 4 cichlids, a bristle nose pleco, and a cleaner snail. I have kept guppies, mollies, and...
Rick H. - Flint, MI Check out Rick H.'s new Tanganyika tank! "I've been a hobbyist since I was ten years old. I'm now 65... it's been a long enjoyable journey!" - Rick Rick also...
Kevin S - San Diego, CA Kevin keeps a 185-gallon tank that features various fish such as: 5 Green Severum 2 Gold Severum 2 Peruvian Angelfish 3 Platinum Angelfish 5 Corydoras Sterbai 3 Pitcus Catfish 2...
Bill S. - Oceanside, CA "As four space explorers surround an alien craft on a strange, yet beautiful planet, a potential first contact situation could explode like a powder keg at any moment." Any aquarium...