"As four space explorers surround an alien craft on a strange, yet beautiful planet, a potential first contact situation could explode like a powder keg at any moment."
Any aquarium setup is an opportunity to tell a story in the form of a "diorama," so I decided to do something a little different with my 20 Long than your traditional planted tank setup.
This tank has 6 albino corydoras for that "alien look". A school of 7 pristella (x-ray) tetras and 4 bloodfin tetras are joined by a moonlight gourami (still growing!) as a centerpiece fish. I think as I get bored with the tetras I may put in a small school of glass catfish!
The substrate is coarse black sand from AFD, with a bag of rainbow clear glass pebbles mixed in and a handful of large plastic crystals scattered in. I picked up the green/blue crystals from eBay. The rock is seiryu stone that I've allowed to grow a little bit of algae on for weathering purposes. The astronauts came from the Mega Bloks Call of Duty Icarus set, and I weathered them a little with some black acrylic paint. The floating planets are from a kids' toy solar system, secured to the bottom glass with suction cups and fishing line. The UFO is from Top Fin, and also serves as aeration for the tank. The silicone flowers came from eBay.
I'm water changing 50% a week to keep nitrates below 20ppm and algae under control.
Type of fish kept:
Freshwater, all kinds of community fish!
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